Saturday, October 15, 2011

South Bound!

What a difference a day or two makes.

On Sunday night I was bitching about having to blowdry my hair, and by Tuesday morning, Josh and I had both been laid off from our jobs.


So weird the way things work out. Josh and I have had a pipe dream of moving to South Carolina for a few years now. In fact, we were all ready to jump ship, quit our jobs and trot along after them in October of 2009. We chickened out. I guess we figured that we would go for it again once the economy improved. Anyway, our company broke up with us, so now we get two severance packages. For us, this means we can all of a sudden pay to move across the country, and have enough to live on while we find work. In the meantime, we'll be living with Josh's folks. The hope is to get established quickly, and get our own place in the neighborhood so we aren't in their hair for too long.

What an excellent time to start a new blog. Should be interesting to look back on these next few years and the adventures that we have ahead of us in Greenville, SC (or Taylors, SC to be more specific).

Only 10 more weeks of living in hell on earth (aka, Phoenix, AZ)!

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