Wednesday, February 4, 2015


 It was time. I had been letting my hair grow out forever, with no real purpose in mind. This might have been the longest it had ever been - and I HATED IT! The post pregnancy hormones were causing it to fall out in clumps, and my hair was all over the place (especially in the shower drain). The cool part is that my hair is actually it's natural color --- not that it will likely stay this way for any length of time (I'm pretty set on going back to light blonde, but have a business trip coming up in 2 weeks that I would rather not have a hair mishap to deal with before then).

Jonny turned 4! I swear I have more pictures somewhere - I'm getting a new phone today and will be unloading everything from my S4 to the external harddrive, and will do a birthday post just for Jonny soon.

 This was a fun project. My mother in law decided that a folding table would make a much more adequate work space for our home office than what I had going on. A little bit of contact paper, and voila! It is so nice to have room to work!

 One of the three crochet projects I have going on. I'm also working on a twin sized afghan and a super fuzzy "lapghan" in a pretty blue color. Will post pictures when I am finished.

A few snapshots of the kiddos. Mikey and Jonny are getting so tall - and Eleanor is now ready to move out of the 9 month size clothing and into her 12 month size clothing. Mikey will be starting soccer soon, and simultaneously Jonny will be starting in Tball. I'm pretty excited to enter the world of "sports mom."

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